Monday, June 20, 2016


"+Jim Robinson Hey Jim, If I am honest I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about - but you sound like you know what you're talking about so I'll ask you this question. I am a guy who has a GH4, doesn't know shit about video but wants to make some nice footage. I've been watching videos here online which first recommended vlog-L over Cinelike-D, after watching a bunch of vlog-L videos, I have discovered a bunch of people complaining about it, but I have still seen some great video using it? So in the most simple terms possible, what would you say to a newbie shooting in vlog-L who wants the footage to look great (recording internally), I am going to shoot something, take it home and import the file onto my computer and throw it straight into Premiere Pro, and throw a LUT on it (as cringe as that probably sounds to a professional). Do I need to do anything else such as this "decompression" you speak of? What other recommendations would you make to a newbie shooting in vlog-L, please speak to me like a retard. I only want to be informed..."

This was copied from a youtube comment I read on this guys post about v-log. It got me thinking there are tons of people out there picking up these awesome cameras and then watching a few videos and suddenly they are the next Kubrick, Deakins or Kovacs. It takes time to study and learn about the reasons for the settings that we choose to film for each lighting required for that moment. 

If you want to learn how to take better pictures of videos then get out there and go to school. Sit under a master, buy an actual book? People do your homework don't try to take shortcuts.

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