Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why Video works for YOUR website?

So your company has a website and you're looking for content that will make it more interesting. Or maybe you're just kicking around the idea of testing out web video to see if it moves the needle with your target market. Regardless of your industry, well executed corporate video can help you attract more web traffic and convert more users into buyers, facebook fans, twitter followers and more. Here's how:

1. Video helps your ranking in search engines
Companies that rely on search engines know the importance of being on the first page of search results. Well, google gives a leg up to site pages that have video. A Forrester study discovered that a page with a video was 53 times more likely to get listed on the first page of a relevant search.

There is no direct formula for guaranteeing a listing on the first page of search results. There are, however, solid web strategies you can apply to ensure your site the best listing possible. Google and other search engines rank pages based on the site's determined quality. Which is why it's important that...

2. Users spend more time on your website
Like it or not, users don't read websites. They scan them; they scroll and scour the page looking for the most relevant information. Videos give your users something to fix their eyes on and a reason to stay on the page. It's not uncommon for users to spend 40-50 percent longer on pages with video.

Google considers the time spent on site as an indicator of a site's quality; improving it means improving your search engine rank. Also, web video is typically sharable content, which will increase the referring traffic to your site (another indicator of a site's quality). Ultimately, well-placed video equates to longer traffic, more referalls and higher placement on search engines.

3. Video allows a clearer explanation of your company's services and benefits
If a user were to visit your website and your competitor's website, how would she tell the difference? If your logo weren't there, what about your site is specific only to you? If you switched your logo with your competitors, could an outsider tell the difference?

Video allows you to tell your company's story in a unique, memorable way. You can bring life, energy and personality to your website in a way that text on the screen never could. You can demonstrate your product in its actual environment or educate the user on how to make a smarter purchasing decision. This improves viewer recall, enhances your brand and distances you from your competition.

4. Video increases sales and site conversions...significantly
There are a ton of stats out there to back this up, but here's a few of my favorites from Invodo:

  • According to Internet Retailer, 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in their online purchase decisions. When a video is information-intensive, 66% of consumers will watch the video two or more times.
  • According to Retail Touchpoints, the Step2 Company found that shoppers who viewed video were 174% more likely to purchase than viewers who did not. (Retail Touchpoints Channel Innovation Awards, 2012)
  • Mediapost reports that product videos play a key role in consumer purchase decisions, citing a9x increase in retail video views at the start of the 2011 holiday season.

Consider also that as internet speeds continue to rise and mobile web usage continues to grow, total video traffic increases every year. In fact, Cisco predicted a few years ago that by the end of 2013, 90% of web traffic would be video.

So what does this all mean? If your business is heavily reliant on your website, video is a great way to improve the quality of your site and increase leads/sales. It's also a valuable branding tool to separate you from you competitors and make your company more memorable to the consumer.

Ready to get started? Click Door4 Entertainment Media Agency to learn how Door4 Media can help.

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