When it comes to script writing software, there are only three applications I recommend. Here’s a quick guide to the best script writing software so you can choose what’s right for you.
NOTE: None of these links are affiliate links – I am not compensated for these recommendations in any way.
Having said that, and with the caveat that what follows is my opinion, here are my top choices for script writing software.
Best Free Script Writing Software: Celtx
Celtx is free and over 3,000,000 people are using it (according to their website).
Celtx is fully-featured, cloud-based screenwriting, storyboarding, and production software with an option for a free subscription. Celtx integrates with iOS (and some Android) apps such as Index Cards, Script, Shots, Scout, and Sides.
Best Inexpensive Script Writing Software: Highland
Highland is a minimalist, distraction-free script writing software that utilizes plain text.
This means that your script is readable in any text editor and can move easily on and off of any device.
Highland a
Best Full-Featured Script Writing Software: Fade In
Fade In renders text crisply, supports unicode (text in other languages) and dual dialogue, allows you to find/ replace, undo just about anything.
Fade In has fully functional sync’ing iOS and Android versions, and is updated for free by a capable developer who also writes and directs films.
Other Popular Script Writing Software
Final Draft is the industry standard for script writing software and because of that, you should know what it is. However, it is not my top choice because it can be expensive to purchase and update, can be buggy, and I’ve had too many writers complain about the program crashing (though I haven’t experienced this myself).If you’re starting out and wondering what software to buy, I recommend Celtx, Highland or Fade In, rather than Final Draft.
There are lots of other programs such as:
Diversity in the world of script writing software is a great thing and I’m sure there will continue to be innovations, advancements, and more script writing software options.
If you’re looking to get your ideas written in script format, download one of these inexpensive screenwriting software programs and get writing!
What Script Writing Software Do You Use?
My awesome readers are spending a lot more time working in script writing software and are more tech savvy than I am. I’d love to know your opinion. What do you like? What do you use? What doesn’t work for you?Let me know in the comments.
I use Final Draft more than anything. Version 5 was my first I believe, back around 1999, when writing a script for producer Howard Kazanjian. Currently FD 9 is my choice.
Over the years I've tried a few, and found Celtx nice when doing collaborations online. But again and again I return to Final Draft. It IS expensive, but they do offer deals from time to time. FD 7 was purchased at full price a few years back when my financial situation was a bit rosier, so a few months back when they offered a full upgrade to FD 9 at around $50, it was a no-brainer. FD is simple and intuitive when just plowing through a script, although some of the advanced features need a bit more time to master.
Some have had issues, but I've never had a problem with the program being buggy ( aside from V7 not working well with Windows 10 ), or crashing. For me it has been worth the expense.
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